Sixth Form Applications 2024
Transition for Entry to Sixth Form in 2024
Making the transition from Year 11 to Sixth Form is notoriously difficult with challenging courses and students having to become more independent and manage their workload effectively. We have a transition programme to ensure all our students move successfully from Year 11 to Year 12 and can achieve their goals in Post 16 education.
Transition Timeline
July - October - Year 11 Guidance Interviews
All of your Year 11 students will meet with a member of the Senior Leadership Team in November to discuss their future aspirations. We discuss career pathways and requirements at GCSE so that they are well informed of their options. We also offer students the option to meet with our independent careers adviser so that they can further research their career ideas.
October/November – Open Evening
Our Year 11 students will have the opportunity to further discuss their sixth form options at our Open Evening. Our subject specialists will be on hand to discuss what studying their chosen subjects in our sixth form will involve. The deadline for applications will follow this.
January/February –Taster Day (for internal applicants only) and Interviews
Our Taster Day involves students being able to select lessons they are interested in so that they are able to try these out before they make their final decision on the courses that they are selecting to study.
All prospective students, either from our own Year 11 or schools outside of Oak Wood, will have an interview with the Head of Sixth Form or a member of the Senior Leadership Team. This enables students to understand the entry requirements and their suitability for different courses.
April – Offers
All applicants will receive their offer letter in April. These offers will be dependent on prospective students meeting the course requirements with the final decisions being made on GCSE Results day in August.
July – Transition Days
Prospective students will be invited to attend our two transition days in July. These consist of two days each focused on one aspect of life in sixth form.
Day One – Leadership: All Students are expected to play a key role in the school as leaders and mentors to the younger students. Day One will give students the opportunity to take part in team building and leadership activities as well as starting to put together their vision for the future.
Day Two – Academic: All students will focus on their learning on day two they will attend their first lessons as Year 12 where they will meet their subject specialists and collect their Summer Homework. All students will be expected to complete some preparation homework before continuing with their learning in July.
August – GCSE Results Day
The final decision will be made on courses based on GCSE results.
September – Induction
Induction days will take place in the first week of Sixth Form, this will set the expectations we have from all Sixth Form students and the support students can expect throughout the academic year.
Throughout Year 12 and Year 13 We know that the transition is different for everyone therefore we aim to support our students through:
- One-to-one support from tutors – progress appointments take place after every assessment for all students
- Clear student expectations
- Extra subject support from teachers
- Study Sessions
- Visits to universities
- Year 12 Internships
- Mentoring schemes run through universities
- Support from apprenticeship providers
- PSHCE lessons which are well planned, structured and delivered by experienced tutors
- Assemblies
- Mentoring by Oak Wood Staff
If you have any questions about our induction process, please do get in touch by email or by telephoning the Oak Wood school reception.