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Oak Wood School


Thank you for showing an interest in Oak Wood School.  Here, students have the opportunity to develop and grow into successful and capable young individuals. The school offers a supportive but disciplined atmosphere and ensures that every student develops to there full potential. The wide and varied curriculum we offer helps students of all abilities, cultures and backgrounds to taste success and achievement.  The sixth form offers a broad curriculum and high standards of achievement.

Oak Wood places a strong emphasis on student achievement both in the academic and social areas. We also provide excellent enrichment opportunities and experiences outside of lessons.

We are very proud of what the students are achieving and that they continue to flourish in an atmosphere of mutual respect and discipline which encourages them to succeed.  At Oak Wood, we aim to provide an education and enrichment that will develop and prepare them for the rigours and demands of the 21st century.

Please take the time to view all of the information on our website and in our prospectus. If there is anything else that you would like to know or if you would like to visit the school, please telephone or email to make an appointment. Students, parents and staff who choose to be a part of the Oak Wood learning community are never disappointed.

Our core belief is "We Dream, We Learn, We Grow" – that every student should fulfil their potential. To do this we aim to bring out the best in everyone: to discover the best in everyone, to expect the best from everyone, and to support everyone to achieve their full potential.

Oak Wood School is a friendly and vibrant community where individuals thrive and feel happy, secure, confident and valued. Our approach combines an intellectually rigorous and challenging academic environment with outstanding pastoral care and support.

We create this ethos and achieve these aims by:

  • Providing a broad, balanced, challenging and enriching educational experience for all students
  • Nurturing the growth of intellectual curiosity, creativity and independent learning
  • Creating opportunities for leadership and challenge
  • Fostering a lifelong love of learning
  • Ensuring relationships are based on mutual respect
  • Encouraging hard work and commitment
  • Offering a wide range of extra-curricular activities and enrichment programmes
  • Working in partnership with parents and carers; encouraging them to be actively involved in their child's education
  • Preparing pupils for their subsequent education and their future lives
  • Celebrating success and achievement