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Oak Wood School

Place 2 Be

What we do

Place2Be provides emotional and therapeutic services in primary and secondary schools, building children's resilience through talking, creative work and play. Place2Be provides children’s mental health services in 282 primary and secondary schools, and last year provided in-depth training in a further 31 schools, reaching a total school population of over 135,000 pupils, helping them to cope with wide-ranging and often complex social issues including bullying, bereavement, domestic violence, family breakdown, neglect and trauma.

Supporting schools

Place2Be's highly skilled practitioners deliver services in 282 schools across the UK. We offer a menu of services for primary and secondary schools, providing support for children, parents, teachers and school staff. 

Where we work

Explore the map to find schools, training and real stories across England, Scotland and Wales. You can also view a list of all the schools we work in. Read more about our work in Scotland.

Children's stories

Read how Place2Be has made a difference to these children.

School resources

We have developed resources to help schools understand, raise awareness of and support children and young people’s mental health. These are based on our 22 years of frontline experience.

Parent / Carer resources

These Place2Be resources can help parents and carers to support the emotional wellbeing and mental health of their children and young people.